The WPA3 security protocol used in Wi-FI 5 and Wi-Fi 6 access points can protect you from KRACK..
There is a serious flaw in older Wi-Fi access points, based on the WPA2 security protocol, which can be used to steal sensitive information such as credit card numbers, passwords, chat messages, emails, photos, and much more. The infiltration method is called KRACK, which is short for Key Reinstallation Attacks.
KRACK allows attackers within the range of vulnerable devices or access points to intercept passwords, e-mails, and other data presumed to be encrypted. In some cases attackers have been known to inject ransomware or other malicious content into a website a client may be actively accessing.
So how do you prevent KRACK attacks? WLAN access points that support the WPA3 security protocol can help stop KRACK. WPA3 security is available in Wi-Fi 6 access points and is the first major security improvement to Wi-Fi in approximately 14 years.
The most significant additions to the new security protocol are:
• Greater protection for simple passwords
• Individualized encryption for personal and open networks
• Even more secure encryption for enterprise networks
The good news is all Alcatel-Lucent OmniAccess® Stellar Wi-Fi 5 and Wi-Fi 6 Access Points support WPA3. This is significant for Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise customers who want to ensure maximum security on their Wi-Fi 5 network without having to upgrade to Wi-Fi 6, or for those customers who want to save money by having a mix of both Wi-Fi 5 and Wi-Fi 6 access points depending on their coverage requirements.
IoT containment is another unique ALE security technology. With IoT containment Wi-Fi devices are connected securely and automatically by assigning them to virtual containers based on the security and access profiles of each device. This is a simple and cost-efficient way to virtually segment the network versus physical segmentation which can be very costly to implement. ALE also provides a dedicated scanning radio on all Wi-Fi 6 access points for improved security as well as to avoid signal interferences.
Learn more about Alcatel-Lucent OmniAccess Stellar Access Points to ensure maximum security for your Wi-Fi 5 or Wi-Fi 6 deployment while simplifying operations in a cost-efficient way.
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